Goal-Directed Fluid Management Based on The Pulse Oximeter-Derived Pleth Variability Index
目标指导液体管理基于脉搏血氧计派生 脉搏灌注变异指数(PVI)
Reduces Lactate Levels and Improves Fluid Management.
Eighty-two patients scheduled for major abdominal surgery were randomized into 2 groups to compare
intraoperative PVI-directed fluid management (PVI group) versus standard care (control group)
After the induction of general anesthesia, the PVI group received a 500-mL crystalloid bolus and a crystalloid infusion of 2 mL • kg(-1) • h(-1).
全身麻醉诱导后,PVI组收到了500ml的晶体推注和 2ml/Kg/H 晶体液注输
Colloids of 250 mL were administered if the PVI was >13% Vasoactive drug support was given to maintain the mean arterial blood pressure above 65 mm Hg.
250mL的胶体给药, 如果PVI >13%的血管活性药物上给予支持,以维持平均动脉血压高于65mmHg <
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