Medical Chinese Terms With Pinyin is neither a software nor a search-able program in this website. It is simply made by posting medical chinese terms in image format. All the topics has been separately posted in the Terms & Pinyin page. It can be accessed by using the post of the topic. Here is lot of Medical Chinese Terms in image format which is posted in this website. Though it is simple but I think , it will be very useful to anyone who wants to learn Medical Chinese Terms and due to pinyin with the chinese character anybody can learn the Chinese terms very easily also for given English terms one can practice the Chinese terms very easily. Hope everyone will have better knowledge and understanding of Medical Chinese Terms.
And the Medical Chinese Terms With Pinyin is on building situation. So wait and until completely made you can enjoy the posted Medical Chinese Terms. Very soon the full Medical Chinese Terms With Pinyin will be in the Website. For any inquiry you can mail me
-Kaish (Weifeng);